Sunday 24 July 2011


First of all: thank you all for your kind comments on my I miss the hostel post. I think it's just that I want to be travelling more now that I'm in Australia, but of course I can't travel all the time since I'm working. But yesterday I went in to Brisbane for the day!

I don't really know anything about Brisbane. I know there is a botanical gardens and a big Ferris wheel thing, but I didn't know that until I looked it up or was told by the host family. So when I got off the train I just walked in a random direction. Get to see more that way. And I actually ended up in the botanical gardens after a few minutes (Score! Who needs a map, eh?). So I walked around there for a bit, then I walked over the pedestrian bridge at the end of the perk to South Bank. The first thing I saw was Griffith University! The university I would have gone to had I chosen to, although I would have gone to the one at Nathan I think it was.

Anyway, I walked along the board walk, had a look around the market and the museum. The museum had an exhibition on about the Aboriginals, it was very interesting, many pretty masks, shields etc. If you're in Brisbane you should pop in and have a look. After the museum I walked back to the north side across Victoria bridge (I think) and had a wander through Queen street and Queen street mall (Is that the same? Is the street the mall?).

I didn't really buy much, I'm too picky for my own good. Also my feet hurt so all I wanted to do was to sit down and never get up again. Maybe I'll go just for shopping another time. I found some salt liquorice (yum!) and some souvenirs that I'm going to send to  people back in Norway along with some I found in Sydney. I'm doing that instead of sending a postcard (I write too much to fit on a small postcard), so I'm going to try and find some small souvenirs at each place I go to.

There were a lot of ladies walking around Brisbane dressed in red and purple, anyone know what was going on with that?
 Some bikes outside the botanical gardens, I think it's kind of cool that you can rent bikes like this.
 Apparently that bridge in the background is on all Brisbane souvenirs.
 Anybody know what that thing halfway up the palm tree is?
 Pretty flower in the botanical gardens.
 Cute love tree

 Sad palmtree

 Pink boat!

 Wheel of Brisbane

 Just in case I didn't know where I was.

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